Class CscoreExtras


public class CscoreExtras extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • CscoreExtras

      public CscoreExtras()
  • Method Details

    • grabRawSinkFrameTimeoutLastTime

      public static long grabRawSinkFrameTimeoutLastTime(int sink, long framePtr, double timeout, long lastFrameTime)
      Fill with the latest image from the source this sink is connected to.

      If lastFrameTime is provided and non-zero, the sink will fill image with the first frame from the source that is not equal to lastFrameTime. If lastFrameTime is zero, the time of the current frame owned by the CvSource is used, and this function will block until the connected CvSource provides a new frame.

      sink - Sink handle.
      framePtr - Pointer to a wpi::RawFrame.
      timeout - Timeout in seconds.
      lastFrameTime - Timestamp of the last frame - used to compare new frames against.
      Frame time, in uS, of the incoming frame.
    • wrapRawFrame

      public static long wrapRawFrame(long rawFramePtr)
      Wrap the data owned by a RawFrame in a cv::Mat
      rawFramePtr -
      pointer to a cv::Mat
    • getTimestampSource

      public static TimestampSource getTimestampSource(RawFrame frame)