Class ArucoDetectionPipeParams


public class ArucoDetectionPipeParams extends Object
Detector parameters. See
  • Field Details

    • tagFamily

      public int tagFamily
      Tag family. Default: Objdetect.DICT_APRILTAG_36h11.
    • threshMinSize

      public int threshMinSize
    • threshStepSize

      public int threshStepSize
    • threshMaxSize

      public int threshMaxSize
    • threshConstant

      public double threshConstant
    • errorCorrectionRate

      public double errorCorrectionRate
      Bits allowed to be corrected, expressed as a ratio of the tag families theoretical maximum.

      E.g. 36h11 = 11 * errorCorrectionRate = Max error bits

    • useCornerRefinement

      public boolean useCornerRefinement
      If obtained corners should be iteratively refined. This should always be on for 3D estimation.
    • refinementMaxIterations

      public int refinementMaxIterations
      Maximum corner refinement iterations.
    • refinementMinErrorPx

      public double refinementMinErrorPx
      Minimum error (accuracy) for corner refinement in pixels. When a corner refinement iteration moves the corner by less than this value, the refinement is considered finished.
    • debugRefineWindow

      public boolean debugRefineWindow
    • useAruco3

      public boolean useAruco3
      If the 'Aruco3' speedup should be used. This is similar to AprilTag's 'decimate' value, but automatically determined with the given parameters.

      T_i = aruco3MinMarkerSideRatio, and T_c = aruco3MinCanonicalImgSide

      Scale factor = T_c / (T_c + T_i * max(img_width, img_height))

    • aruco3MinMarkerSideRatio

      public double aruco3MinMarkerSideRatio
      Minimum side length of markers expressed as a ratio of the largest image dimension.
    • aruco3MinCanonicalImgSide

      public int aruco3MinCanonicalImgSide
      Minimum side length of the canonical image (marker after undoing perspective distortion).
  • Constructor Details

    • ArucoDetectionPipeParams

      public ArucoDetectionPipeParams()
  • Method Details