Class OpenCVHelp


public final class OpenCVHelp extends Object
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static org.opencv.core.Point
    avgPoint(org.opencv.core.Point[] points)
    static org.opencv.core.Point[]
    static org.opencv.core.Point[]
    static void
    static org.opencv.core.Rect
    getBoundingRect(org.opencv.core.Point[] points)
    Gets the (upright) rectangle which bounds this contour.
    static org.opencv.core.Point[]
    getConvexHull(org.opencv.core.Point[] points)
    Gets the convex hull contour (the outline) of a list of points.
    static org.opencv.core.RotatedRect
    getMinAreaRect(org.opencv.core.Point[] points)
    Gets the rotated rectangle with minimum area which bounds this contour.
    static org.opencv.core.Mat
    matrixToMat(org.ejml.simple.SimpleMatrix matrix)
    static edu.wpi.first.math.Matrix<edu.wpi.first.math.Num,edu.wpi.first.math.Num>
    matToMatrix(org.opencv.core.Mat mat)
    pointsToCorners(org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint2f matInput)
    pointsToCorners(org.opencv.core.Point... points)
    static org.opencv.core.Point[]
    projectPoints(edu.wpi.first.math.Matrix<edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N3,edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N3> cameraMatrix, edu.wpi.first.math.Matrix<edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N8,edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N1> distCoeffs, RotTrlTransform3d camRt, List<edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Translation3d> objectTranslations)
    Project object points from the 3d world into the 2d camera image.
    static <T> List<T>
    reorderCircular(List<T> elements, boolean backwards, int shiftStart)
    Reorders the list, optionally indexing backwards and wrapping around to the last element after the first, and shifting all indices in the direction of indexing.
    static org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint3f
    rotationToRvec(edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Rotation3d rotation)
    Creates a new MatOfPoint3f with this 3d rotation.
    static edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Rotation3d
    rvecToRotation(org.opencv.core.Mat rvecInput)
    Returns a 3d rotation from this Mat.
    static PNPResult
    solvePNP_SQPNP(edu.wpi.first.math.Matrix<edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N3,edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N3> cameraMatrix, edu.wpi.first.math.Matrix<edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N8,edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N1> distCoeffs, List<edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Translation3d> objectTrls, org.opencv.core.Point[] imagePoints)
    Finds the transformation that maps the camera's pose to the origin of the supplied object.
    static PNPResult
    solvePNP_SQUARE(edu.wpi.first.math.Matrix<edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N3,edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N3> cameraMatrix, edu.wpi.first.math.Matrix<edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N8,edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N1> distCoeffs, List<edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Translation3d> modelTrls, org.opencv.core.Point[] imagePoints)
    Finds the transformation(s) that map the camera's pose to the target's pose.
    static org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint3f
    translationToTvec(edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Translation3d... translations)
    Creates a new MatOfPoint3f with these 3d translations.
    static edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Translation3d
    tvecToTranslation(org.opencv.core.Mat tvecInput)
    Returns a new 3d translation from this Mat.
    static org.opencv.core.Point[]
    undistortPoints(edu.wpi.first.math.Matrix<edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N3,edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N3> cameraMatrix, edu.wpi.first.math.Matrix<edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N8,edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N1> distCoeffs, org.opencv.core.Point[] points)
    Undistort 2d image points using a given camera's intrinsics and distortion.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • OpenCVHelp

      public OpenCVHelp()
  • Method Details

    • forceLoadOpenCV

      public static void forceLoadOpenCV()
    • matrixToMat

      public static org.opencv.core.Mat matrixToMat(org.ejml.simple.SimpleMatrix matrix)
    • matToMatrix

      public static edu.wpi.first.math.Matrix<edu.wpi.first.math.Num,edu.wpi.first.math.Num> matToMatrix(org.opencv.core.Mat mat)
    • translationToTvec

      public static org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint3f translationToTvec(edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Translation3d... translations)
      Creates a new MatOfPoint3f with these 3d translations. The opencv tvec is a vector with three elements representing {x, y, z} in the EDN coordinate system.
      translations - The translations to convert into a MatOfPoint3f
    • tvecToTranslation

      public static edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Translation3d tvecToTranslation(org.opencv.core.Mat tvecInput)
      Returns a new 3d translation from this Mat. The opencv tvec is a vector with three elements representing {x, y, z} in the EDN coordinate system.
      tvecInput - The tvec to create a Translation3d from
    • rotationToRvec

      public static org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint3f rotationToRvec(edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Rotation3d rotation)
      Creates a new MatOfPoint3f with this 3d rotation. The opencv rvec Mat is a vector with three elements representing the axis scaled by the angle in the EDN coordinate system. (angle = norm, and axis = rvec / norm)
      rotation - The rotation to convert into a MatOfPoint3f
    • rvecToRotation

      public static edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Rotation3d rvecToRotation(org.opencv.core.Mat rvecInput)
      Returns a 3d rotation from this Mat. The opencv rvec Mat is a vector with three elements representing the axis scaled by the angle in the EDN coordinate system. (angle = norm, and axis = rvec / norm)
      rvecInput - The rvec to create a Rotation3d from
    • avgPoint

      public static org.opencv.core.Point avgPoint(org.opencv.core.Point[] points)
    • cornersToPoints

      public static org.opencv.core.Point[] cornersToPoints(List<TargetCorner> corners)
    • cornersToPoints

      public static org.opencv.core.Point[] cornersToPoints(TargetCorner... corners)
    • pointsToCorners

      public static List<TargetCorner> pointsToCorners(org.opencv.core.Point... points)
    • pointsToCorners

      public static List<TargetCorner> pointsToCorners(org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint2f matInput)
    • reorderCircular

      public static <T> List<T> reorderCircular(List<T> elements, boolean backwards, int shiftStart)
      Reorders the list, optionally indexing backwards and wrapping around to the last element after the first, and shifting all indices in the direction of indexing.


      ({1,2,3}, false, 1) == {2,3,1}

      ({1,2,3}, true, 0) == {1,3,2}

      ({1,2,3}, true, 1) == {3,2,1}

      Type Parameters:
      T - Element type
      elements - list elements
      backwards - If indexing should happen in reverse (0, size-1, size-2, ...)
      shiftStart - How much the inital index should be shifted (instead of starting at index 0, start at shiftStart, negated if backwards)
      Reordered list
    • projectPoints

      public static org.opencv.core.Point[] projectPoints(edu.wpi.first.math.Matrix<edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N3,edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N3> cameraMatrix, edu.wpi.first.math.Matrix<edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N8,edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N1> distCoeffs, RotTrlTransform3d camRt, List<edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Translation3d> objectTranslations)
      Project object points from the 3d world into the 2d camera image. The camera properties(intrinsics, distortion) determine the results of this projection.
      cameraMatrix - the camera intrinsics matrix in standard opencv form
      distCoeffs - the camera distortion matrix in standard opencv form
      camRt - The change in basis from world coordinates to camera coordinates. See RotTrlTransform3d.makeRelativeTo(Pose3d).
      objectTranslations - The 3d points to be projected
      The 2d points in pixels which correspond to the camera's image of the 3d points
    • undistortPoints

      public static org.opencv.core.Point[] undistortPoints(edu.wpi.first.math.Matrix<edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N3,edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N3> cameraMatrix, edu.wpi.first.math.Matrix<edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N8,edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N1> distCoeffs, org.opencv.core.Point[] points)
      Undistort 2d image points using a given camera's intrinsics and distortion.

      2d image points from projectPoints() will naturally be distorted, so this operation is important if the image points need to be directly used (e.g. 2d yaw/pitch).

      cameraMatrix - The camera intrinsics matrix in standard opencv form
      distCoeffs - The camera distortion matrix in standard opencv form
      points - The distorted image points
      The undistorted image points
    • getBoundingRect

      public static org.opencv.core.Rect getBoundingRect(org.opencv.core.Point[] points)
      Gets the (upright) rectangle which bounds this contour.

      Note that rectangle size and position are stored with ints and do not have sub-pixel accuracy.

      points - The points to be bounded
      Rectangle bounding the given points
    • getMinAreaRect

      public static org.opencv.core.RotatedRect getMinAreaRect(org.opencv.core.Point[] points)
      Gets the rotated rectangle with minimum area which bounds this contour.

      Note that rectangle size and position are stored with floats and have sub-pixel accuracy.

      points - The points to be bounded
      Rotated rectangle bounding the given points
    • getConvexHull

      public static org.opencv.core.Point[] getConvexHull(org.opencv.core.Point[] points)
      Gets the convex hull contour (the outline) of a list of points.
      points - The input contour
      The subset of points defining the convex hull. Note that these use ints and not floats.
    • solvePNP_SQUARE

      public static PNPResult solvePNP_SQUARE(edu.wpi.first.math.Matrix<edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N3,edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N3> cameraMatrix, edu.wpi.first.math.Matrix<edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N8,edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N1> distCoeffs, List<edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Translation3d> modelTrls, org.opencv.core.Point[] imagePoints)
      Finds the transformation(s) that map the camera's pose to the target's pose. The camera's pose relative to the target is determined by the supplied 3d points of the target's model and their associated 2d points imaged by the camera. The supplied model translations must be relative to the target's pose.

      For planar targets, there may be an alternate solution which is plausible given the 2d image points. This has an associated "ambiguity" which describes the ratio of reprojection error between the "best" and "alternate" solution.

      This method is intended for use with individual AprilTags, and will not work unless 4 points are provided.

      cameraMatrix - The camera intrinsics matrix in standard opencv form
      distCoeffs - The camera distortion matrix in standard opencv form
      modelTrls - The translations of the object corners. These should have the object pose as their origin. These must come in a specific, pose-relative order (in NWU):
      • Point 0: [0, -squareLength / 2, squareLength / 2]
      • Point 1: [0, squareLength / 2, squareLength / 2]
      • Point 2: [0, squareLength / 2, -squareLength / 2]
      • Point 3: [0, -squareLength / 2, -squareLength / 2]
      imagePoints - The projection of these 3d object points into the 2d camera image. The order should match the given object point translations.
      The resulting transformation that maps the camera pose to the target pose and the ambiguity if an alternate solution is available.
    • solvePNP_SQPNP

      public static PNPResult solvePNP_SQPNP(edu.wpi.first.math.Matrix<edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N3,edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N3> cameraMatrix, edu.wpi.first.math.Matrix<edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N8,edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N1> distCoeffs, List<edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Translation3d> objectTrls, org.opencv.core.Point[] imagePoints)
      Finds the transformation that maps the camera's pose to the origin of the supplied object. An "object" is simply a set of known 3d translations that correspond to the given 2d points. If, for example, the object translations are given relative to close-right corner of the blue alliance(the default origin), a camera-to-origin transformation is returned. If the translations are relative to a target's pose, a camera-to-target transformation is returned.

      There must be at least 3 points to use this method. This does not return an alternate solution-- if you are intending to use solvePNP on a single AprilTag, see solvePNP_SQUARE(edu.wpi.first.math.Matrix<edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N3, edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N3>, edu.wpi.first.math.Matrix<edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N8, edu.wpi.first.math.numbers.N1>, java.util.List<edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Translation3d>, org.opencv.core.Point[]) instead.

      cameraMatrix - The camera intrinsics matrix in standard opencv form
      distCoeffs - The camera distortion matrix in standard opencv form
      objectTrls - The translations of the object corners, relative to the field.
      imagePoints - The projection of these 3d object points into the 2d camera image. The order should match the given object point translations.
      The resulting transformation that maps the camera pose to the target pose. If the 3d model points are supplied relative to the origin, this transformation brings the camera to the origin.