Class LibcameraGpuSource.FPSRatedVideoMode

Enclosing class:

public static class LibcameraGpuSource.FPSRatedVideoMode extends VideoMode
On the OV5649 the actual FPS we want to request from the GPU can be higher than the FPS that we can do after processing. On the IMX219 these FPSes match pretty closely, except for the 1280x720 mode. We use this to present a rated FPS to the user that's lower than the actual FPS we request from the GPU. This is important for setting user expectations, and is also used by the frontend to detect and explain FPS drops. This class should ONLY be used by Picam video modes! This is to make sure it shows up nice in the frontend
  • Field Details

    • fpsActual

      public final int fpsActual
    • fovMultiplier

      public final double fovMultiplier
  • Constructor Details

    • FPSRatedVideoMode

      public FPSRatedVideoMode(PixelFormat pixelFormat, int width, int height, int ratedFPS, int actualFPS, double fovMultiplier)