Class GenericUSBCameraSettables

Direct Known Subclasses:
ArduOV2311CameraSettables, ArduOV2311WindowsCameraSettables, ArduOV9281CameraSettables, ArduOV9782CameraSettables, InnoOV9281CameraSettables, LifeCam3kCameraSettables, LifeCam3kWindowsCameraSettables, PsEyeCameraSettables, See3Cam24CUGSettables

public class GenericUSBCameraSettables extends VisionSourceSettables
  • Field Details

    • lastExposureRaw

      protected double lastExposureRaw
    • lastBrightness

      protected int lastBrightness
    • exposureAbsProp

      protected edu.wpi.first.cscore.VideoProperty exposureAbsProp
    • autoExposureProp

      protected edu.wpi.first.cscore.VideoProperty autoExposureProp
    • minExposure

      protected double minExposure
    • maxExposure

      protected double maxExposure

      protected static final int PROP_AUTO_EXPOSURE_ENABLED
      See Also:

      protected static final int PROP_AUTO_EXPOSURE_DISABLED
      See Also:
    • whiteBalanceTemperature

      protected int whiteBalanceTemperature
    • camera

      protected edu.wpi.first.cscore.UsbCamera camera
    • configuration

      protected CameraConfiguration configuration
  • Constructor Details

    • GenericUSBCameraSettables

      public GenericUSBCameraSettables(CameraConfiguration configuration, edu.wpi.first.cscore.UsbCamera camera)
  • Method Details

    • setUpExposureProperties

      protected void setUpExposureProperties()
    • setAllCamDefaults

      public void setAllCamDefaults()
    • setAutoExposure

      public void setAutoExposure(boolean cameraAutoExposure)
      Specified by:
      setAutoExposure in class VisionSourceSettables
    • getMinExposureRaw

      public double getMinExposureRaw()
      Specified by:
      getMinExposureRaw in class VisionSourceSettables
    • getMaxExposureRaw

      public double getMaxExposureRaw()
      Specified by:
      getMaxExposureRaw in class VisionSourceSettables
    • setExposureRaw

      public void setExposureRaw(double exposureRaw)
      Specified by:
      setExposureRaw in class VisionSourceSettables
    • setBrightness

      public void setBrightness(int brightness)
      Specified by:
      setBrightness in class VisionSourceSettables
    • setGain

      public void setGain(int gain)
      Specified by:
      setGain in class VisionSourceSettables
    • getCurrentVideoMode

      public edu.wpi.first.cscore.VideoMode getCurrentVideoMode()
      Specified by:
      getCurrentVideoMode in class VisionSourceSettables
    • setVideoModeInternal

      public void setVideoModeInternal(edu.wpi.first.cscore.VideoMode videoMode)
      Specified by:
      setVideoModeInternal in class VisionSourceSettables
    • getAllVideoModes

      public HashMap<Integer,edu.wpi.first.cscore.VideoMode> getAllVideoModes()
      Specified by:
      getAllVideoModes in class VisionSourceSettables
    • softSet

      protected void softSet(String property, int value)
      Forgiving "set this property" action. Produces a debug message but skips properties if they aren't supported Errors if the property exists but the set fails.
      property -
      value -
    • findProperty

      protected Optional<edu.wpi.first.cscore.VideoProperty> findProperty(String... options)
      Returns the first property with a name in the list. Useful to find gandolf property that goes by many names in different os/releases/whatever
      options -